Aspire to Good Governance in Sport

Sporting bodies carry the enormous responsibility for overseeing and regulating their sports ensuring fairness, transparency, and protecting the interests of both athletes and fans.

With the government putting pressure on the Premier League to improve their governance, all sports bodies are under increasing scrutiny leading to a real need for a smarter, more joined-up approach to governance across the sector. 

Governance is a broad topic which includes many specific objectives including:


Managing this complex subject using poorly designed, disconnected tools, documents, spreadsheets, and email chains leads to inefficient and ineffective governance and, ultimately, to poor organisational performance. 

However, by choosing the right tool, capturing the right information and sharing it throughout the leadership team, performance can be improved, threats and opportunities controlled, and a culture of accountability and assurance can be embedded across the whole organisation. This is key to ensuring that governance supports operational resilience and that sporting organisations can continue to serve their members and meet increasing regulatory scrutiny with confidence.

The Irish Football Association (IFA) uses Decision Time to ensure its effective approach to governance and management happens across all of its entities.

Rebekah Shearer, Solicitor & Company Secretary and Corinne Lannie, Risk Manager at the IFA, share the challenges they faced previously and how Decision Time has helped them transform their approach in this short video: A Customer Story - IFA

Graham Fitzgerald, COO at the IFA, summarises their experience by saying:

"The Decision Time software forms an integral part of our governance framework at the Irish FA. We use the Meetings module to manage the administration and information sharing of our Board and Committees, and all users find it to be a straightforward interface. The Risk module is an excellent tool that gives us full visibility of our risk register along with mitigating controls and ongoing actions and tasks. The information it provides to the risk owners and our Board is invaluable. We are delighted that we switched to the Decision Time software; it has transformed our approach to governance and has bought real added value to our organisation."

Decision Time is a simple, cloud-hosted governance software that helps you:

Using a well-designed, visual, digital dashboard gives the board and the senior management team a clear view of risks, objectives,  results and decisions from the highest level down to specific departments and teams. A good dashboard will help you to see an overview of the current status, spot warning signs or problems, and drill down into the details when needed. This enables the board to actively use its framework to underpin the decision-making processes. Engagement and collaboration is a crucial element to making this holistic approach work. 

With over 360 organisations across the public and private sectors using our cloud-hosted, all-in-one governance software, including IFA, Sports Ireland and Sports NI we have plenty of experience working with organisations to deliver and support software that adds value. 

If you would like more information or a demo of how our software could help improve your approach to governance, please get in touch using our contact us form here -


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What Joined-Up Governance means for Operational Resilience